About us
Old Salopian Lodge No 4790 is a Freemasons' Lodge, which draws its membership from old boys, masters, and other men with a substantive connection to Shrewsbury School The Lodge meets four times a year - three times in London, at a West End club, and a summer weekend meeting at the Schools. Masonic meetings are followed by a dinner. The Schools meeting is followed by a family lunch, open to all. The Lodge serves a dual purpose, both in maintaining a link with the Schools, and of being part of one of the world’s largest fraternal and charitable societies. We were founded in 1925 and have had some very eminent members over the years, including a Headmaster of the School, and at least one MP. We are part of the United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE), which has some 200,000 members in nearly 8,000 lodges. We are affiliated to the Public Lodges Council, a forum for the private lodges of many of England’s great public schools. As part of our charitable activities, we operate a Lodge Bursary Fund, which is held as part of the Shrewsbury School Foundation. Through this, we are committed to supporting a Rowing Scholarship for the next four years. We welcome enquiries from anyone interested in finding out more about Freemasonry. Also, those who are already Freemasons are warmly welcomed to join us. Under the constitution of UGLE, the Old Salopian Lodge is restricted to men. The Secretary can advise on women's freemasonry.